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T32 Training Grant in Reproductive Science, Medicine & Technology

The Northwestern Center for Reproductive Science Predoctoral Training Program in Reproductive Science, Medicine, and Technology (CRS Training Program) is aimed at supporting and training a well-rounded workforce in reproductive science and medicine - one that will make the discoveries necessary to sustain a healthy future for all people. The CRS Training Program is housed within the Center for Reproductive Science (CRS), a well-revered and long-standing part of Northwestern University that has kept the reproductive science and   medicine community visible, viable, and valuable.

In addition to a rigorous curriculum, our program is complemented by the addition of unique career and professional development programs like the Academic Accelerator Partnerships which provide students with valuable intern/externship experiences focused on exploring leading edge technologies that are designed to augment their scientific and research training.

Meet Trainees  Browse Trainee Resources


The program encompasses didactics, classic and emerging research technologies, communication strategies and career development, including the following:

  • Foundational didactics on adult and pediatric reproductive physiology
  • Advanced coursework in reproductive health and disease
  • Faculty mentors (see below) whose expertise spans basic, translational and clinical research in reproductive science and medicine
  • Technology-driven internships/externships through Academic Accelerator Partnerships
  • Transformative Technology Forums, a quarterly discussion on state-of-the-art technologies that are leveraged to advance reproductive science and medicine
  • Professional development upskilling and exposure to diverse career paths through the CRS Career Catalysts series
  • Ample discipline-related programming and leadership development opportunities through the center

The Center for Reproductive Science has also compiled trainee resources to provide access to the many diversity centers and programs at Northwestern and in the reproductive sciences, including institutional and international societies, clubs, programs as well as outreach and career development opportunities.

Training Program Leadership


J. Julie Kim, PhD, Program Director
Susy Y. Hung Research Professor
Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Reproductive Science in Medicine)
Co-Director of the Center for Reproductive Science
Phone: 312-503-5377

Francesca Duncan, PhD, Associate Program Director
Thomas J. Watkins Memorial Professor
Associate Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology (Reproductive Science in Medicine)
Co-Director of the Center for Reproductive Science
Phone: 312-503-2172

Pamela Monahan, PhD, Director of CRS Graduate Student & Postdoctoral Affairs 
Lecturer in Obstetrics & Gynecology
Phone: 312-503-6305

 Executive Committee

An executive committee comprised of faculty leadership from affiliated graduate programs and of internal and external faculty representatives with distinct expertise in reproductive science training oversee the mission and execution of the predoctoral Training Program in Reproductive Science, Medicine & Technology. 

CRS Leadership

Graduate Program Representatives

CRS Faculty Representatives 


For more information on the T32 training program, please contact us.

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