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PhD Reproductive Science Cluster

Many Center for Reproductive Science faculty members conduct basic research and participate in the Reproductive Science (RSM) cluster through The Graduate School (TGS), providing exciting opportunities for doctoral students from across Northwestern University programs to work in their laboratories. All doctoral students conducting research in our faculty's laboratories are extended RSM cluster membership, and interested students from other laboratories are welcome to join as well.

The Graduate School’s interdisciplinary PhD clusters and certificates facilitate connections between doctoral students and faculty who share research interests yet may not be in the same department or program at Northwestern University. These initiatives enable participating doctoral students to join a close-knit cohort of students not only in their degree program but also in other departments, labs and research traditions who are working on a common set of problems or themes. Students often draw upon their cluster experiences when designing their research projects, preparing for qualifying exams and selecting dissertation committees.

RSM Cluster Requirements & Courses

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