CRS shines at ENDO 2023
Summer is research conference season! This past June 15-18th, The Endocrine Society held its ENDO 2023 conference in our own backyard, Chicago. ENDO 2023 provided its attendees with ample opportunities to engage and learn about the latest development in the endocrine field from world class and renowed scientists, clinicians and educators, and trainees. And of course, CRS’s own faculty, staff and trainees were an integral part of this year’s programming.
Dr. Monica Laronda participated on the Annual Meeting Steering Committee as the Reproductive Endocrinology Lead, while Dr. Julie Kim acted as chair for the well-attended "Innovations in Reproductive Science" Symposium. Dr. Aubrey Converse gave an oral presentation on "Hypoglycosylated FSH Enhances Ovarian Follicle Development and Gamete Quality" and her image was selected as a runner-up for the 2023 ENDO Image Award. And Dr. Shuo Xiao (CRS alum) gave an oral presentation at a climate change themed symposium titled "Climate change-related harmful algal bloom toxins and women’s reproductive health".
Our CRS trainees showcased the excellence of our community. Hana Kubo (Laronda Lab) won the Rising Star presentation composition for the best Basic Science pitch and gave an oral presentation "Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived granulosa-like cells from ligand-based differentiation express FOXL2 after inhibition of DKK1.” Hannah McDowell (Laronda Lab) gave a rapid-fire presentation and won the Presidential Poster Award competition for Friday's session on her work titled "Ovary-derived hydrogels elucidate the matrisome properties that may influence folliculogenesis". Additionally, Chloe Parker (Urbanek Lab) gave a rapid-fire presentation and presented her poster "Protein-coding genetic variation in polycystic ovary syndrome" and Dr. Tanvi Potluri (Bulun Lab) also gave a rapid-fire and poster presentation on her work, “Mechanisms Of Estrogen-induced Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis In An Inguinal Hernia Humanized Aromatase Mouse Model”. The poster session was littered with the amazing work of our CRS trainees. The Laronda Lab was represented by Elizabeth Tsui who presented her work on “Using Primary Human Ovarian Stromal Cells to Elucidate Stromal Cell Influences on Egg Quality Across Pubertal Development” and Olivia Printy who presented on “Optimizing Conditions of Tubule-Like Structures in Testicular Organoids That Will Support Spermatogenesis”. The Bulun lab was represented by Tianming You who presented a poster on “The Canonical Wnt/β-catenin Pathway Is Not Involved In Estrogen-induced Skeletal Muscle Fibrosis In A Mouse Model Of Inguinal Hernia", Dr. Azna Zuberi who presented a poster, "Med12 Mutation Activates Tryptophan-kynurenine-ahr Pathway To Promote Growth Of Uterine Leiomyoma", and Dr. Allison S. Komorowsk
i who presented on "Steroyl-CoA Desaturase Is A Progesterone Receptor Target Gene In Uterine Leiomyoma". Finally, Rosie Bauer (Urbanek Lab) showcased her poster on “Rare pathogenic missense variants in LMNA identified in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Overall, ENDO 2023 benefitted from our CRS contributions. Congrats to all who attended on advancing our field!
(Special thanks to Dr. Monica Laronda for curating this information)