Alumni Spotlight on Georgia Acuna Gaconnet
The people in this community were very friendly and always willing to help one another.
Georgia Acuna Gaconnet, MS
Georgia Acuna Gaconnet, MS, was previously a lab technician and lab manager in Reproductive Biology at Northwestern. She current works as an account manager at MilliporeSigma.
What is your connection to the CRS community and what is your current position?
Former lab technician/lab manager in Reproductive Biology lab on Evanston campus. I am currently an account manager with MilliporeSigma, covering Pharmaceutical Accounts
Could you describe your current work?
I am the sales rep for Pharmaceutical companies in Wisconsin & Michigan. I team with our scientists in various specialty areas (Analytical, Chemistry, Biology, Lab Water etc) to provide services and products which support research needs for Pharma and CMOs.
What aspect(s) of CRS did you find most valuable?
The collaboration was valuable- Learning about various research projects within each lab group, as well as from outside the NW community.
What has been the most valuable aspect to your training as a scientist?
All the basic bench techniques (PCR, Westerns, Cell Culture) was the foundation needed to help me understand how I can present true value to my customers in times of need. The additional skills gained from being a lab manager (organization, lab maintenance, procurement processes, documentation/protocol implementation) were very helpful to transition to a career away from the bench.
What would you recommend to junior scientists in order for them succeed in their careers?
Do not be afraid to try new things- gain a wide variety of experience, including areas you think you may never have interest in the future- you will be surprise how much you will retain and utilize later down the road.
What do you think will be the next big contribution in your field?
We have such an extensive portfolio at MilliporeSigma, spanning so many areas of science, it is hard to narrow down just 1 area. We cover all phases of drug discovery, from start to finish. We play a big role in CRISPR, cell lines, and molecular biology products. We provide a lot of resources and services to Chemistry and Analytical groups in all aspects of their workflow.
Do you have any notable stories from your time in CRS?
The people in this community were very friendly and always willing to help one another. I always gained a lot of knowledge from hosted events/seminars, and made some great friends during my time there.